Welcome to my crafty little world of things I heart…
over the rainbow

Rainbow Art Party!!

by Holly

Rainbow Art Party for Lexi Monet’s 10th Birthday!

I had so much fun with this party theme! Love It!

The Invite:

 A little art portfolio made from a paint chip of course.  :)  I photo shopped a bunch of pics of Lexi, put them on a strip of paper, folded , and glued them to make a little art book.

When you open the portfolio these are the pages you see:


Rainbow Food and Drinks

BBQ and Rainbow fun!!


Fortune Drinks!  Drop a few drops of food coloring in each glass, fill with ice, and let the girls pick a glass.  Then fill them with 7Up.  As the 7Up fills the glass the color magically appears. The girls loved it!

Paint Chip Silverware holders.  I quickly sewed 2 of them together with a fun stitch.  :)

Paint Chips!  Yes, actually Paint your chips!!! Ranch dip mix in all colors of the rainbow!

Rainbow Mashed Potatoes.  So weird to eat blue mashed potatoes.

Over the Rainbow Fruit Kabobs.  Love this one!!  Just slice off a little on the bottom of the melon so it stands up straight 


See the paint chip Birthday banner?  :)  Love it!!

The Freckle Game

  Girls have 1 minute to put as many freckles on their friend’s face.  Freckles were made from hole punching construction paper.  Freckles applied with water.  The girls LOVE LOVE LOVED this game!!

They even Freckled Ella!

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Draw a Friend Game: 

Have girls sit in a circle, and give each girl a piece of paper, and ask them to write their name on the paper. Draw a circle, pass right, draw an eye, pass right,  another eye, pass right, draw hair, pass right, and so on… Girls loved to see the final portraits.  It was a good laugh.

We hung them all up on the window for everyone to see. Later they became the cover for each art portfolio the girls took home.

Guess Your way down the Rainbow Game

Line the ground with two rows of rainbow construction paper.  All girls start at the end of the rainbow.  I held a small toy in either my right or left hand for each round.   Girls had to decide to stand on the left red or right red square.  If they guess the correct hand, they get to advance to the next color of the rainbow.  First girl to the end of the rainbow wins!  They loved it so much they asked to play again.


Time for Cupcakes!!

Paint Chip Cupcake topper.  I just cut strips, rolled them, pulled to get them to stay, and hot glued onto a circle card stock.  I also made them to go in the girl’s hair by hot gluing them onto hair clips.  Super easy and love how they turned out!

Inside I did the cake rainbow by using white cake mix, separating into little bowls, coloring each bowl, and spooning in one color at a time into each cupcake.  Everyone of them got eaten.  Loved the fun little rainbow cakes!!

The paint palettes were so last-minute!!  I printed a page of paint palettes to use as a template.  I piped melted chocolate on wax paper with template under as a guide.  I let them dry, turned them over and piped royal icing dots on the top.  I finished them all in about 30 minutes. :)


Before the party, I painted No.2 pencils and sealed them with acrylic spray to go in the art portfolios.



Paint Chip Banner!! (We call this the Tree house, even though it is not in a tree, the girls had lunch up there.  It’s the secret non-parent place)

Close up of this kind of bow.  Again, hot glue and paint chip strips. Have I mentioned I had a too much fun with paint chips?

Finally Lexi opened all of her presents. 


Happy 10th Birthday to our little Lexi Monet!!  We are so proud of you, and love you so much!!  So lucky to be your Mommy. Hugs

Valentine Freebies and DIY Heart Shaped Chips

by Holly

Getting excited for Valentines Day!! I just made them some hearts.  OK, a lot of them.  Enough to give one each day the 1st through the 14th of February for both Lexi and Jack.  I am planning on sticking them in pockets, in the car, in backpacks.  Just about any and everywhere I think they will look.  I am hoping it will remind them during their day how much I love them.  Each one can turned in for a piece of Valentine Candy.

Download free Valentine Hearts for a limited time on TheYummyFactory Facebook Page!!


Or saved to play games.  Like Tic Tac Toe, Catch, or a Game of Toss with Heart Shaped 50- 100- 500 taped to the tile. :)

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We (I actually mean, my husband) made Mexican food last night.  (My very Favorite!!  Hoping to get recipes down to blog about it.  Too tasty not to share with you!)  Anyway,  I made heart-shaped tortilla chips from regular corn tortillas.  Soooo ridiculously easy, yet, the kids had so much fun with them, you would have thought I invented sliced bread.  I see a lot more shaped chips in our near future.  Here is one of Lexi’s Heart Chips with her dinner stacked on it. 

This is how I made them:

Easy Right?  Now go make some.  You’re kids will think you are a genius!  They are too YUMMY not to!

101 Reasons I love My Husband/ Our Wedding

by Holly

My husband and I have been married since October 22nd, 1999.  I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be married to my best friend, my love, my sunshine…   I made a list of 101 things I love about him.  Thought I would share.  He loved it!  Maybe you can make  your own list and make your Valentine smile too. Scroll down to see my list.

Here are some pictures of Danny and I went we were dating:

Laguna Beach, California. Still our happy place.  Now we take the kids.

Our wedding Day

Our 1st Dance.  It was so romantic, everyone blowing bubbles at us.  Our song was “From this Moment”  by Shania Twain.  I STILL get goose bumps every time I hear it.

In the Limo

This one hangs on our wall in our family room

Here is my list of 101 Reasons I gave to my Husband:

101 Why I love you

You are sexy

You’re faithful

You are a great father

You make me laugh

You love Jesus

You remember the little things that make me happy

You hold my hand when we walk

You always go shopping with me

Your home improvement skills Rock!!

You love the beach as much as I do

You sing “Blue Christmas” (by Elvis) EVERY Christmas to make us laugh

You keep me safe from the Boogie Man

You always tell the truth, even if you’ll be in trouble

You are a really really good cook

You appreciate my artistic side

You bring a bottle of Dom every time we go on a cruise for our leaving port toast

You love my Family

My Family Loves you

You make funny faces with me when we take pictures

You gave me a Daughter

You gave me a Son

You gave me another Daughter

You always put the groceries in the car

People love you

You are a fabulous on the BBQ

You love to travel as much as I do

You will try new things, (almost all of my crazy ideas)

You are optimistic

You remember to take out the trash

You help the kids get ready when we go anywhere

You have great ideas

You are a stud muffin

You stand behind me in tough times

You make me Smile

You learn quickly

You get excited about new things

You laugh at ridiculous things

You snuggle with me

You have been by rock for as long as I can remember

You’re a Mr. Mom and great at it!

Your poker face

You fold our towels like I like them

You’re a Movie Buff

You love happy hour with me

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You make my favorite mexican food, So tasty!

We can sit in a room together, not say word, and have a conversation

You help me make cakes

Spooning with you

You’re strong

You are creative

You can dive from the tippy top rock

You went on space shot with me, even though you hate heights

We can talk without using words

I love your laugh

We listen to Jimmy Buffett out by the pool every summer

You always say please and thank you

You love it when I rub your hand

You’re a hard worker

You are willing to go to Chuck E Cheese

I love pushing your buttons

You are a safe driver

I love that you tease the kids

You change Diapers

You wear the silly underwear I buy you

You have a piggy bank

You like to eat all the things I bake

You like to play Black Jack, and you’re good at it

I love the tone of your voice

You look amazing in Tommy Bahama shirts

You always call me when you are out

You go with me to plays

You whistle

You help me throw amazing parties

You go to all the kids functions

We share food with each other at restaurants

You let me put my cold feet on you in bed

We have a blast with our friends

You always take the kids to the doctor with me

You expect the best

You play games on Sundays with the kids and me

You have a great passion for life

You don’t put up with idiots

You’re my best friend

Everyone thinks you’re a fun guy to be around

I love Mommy-Daddy time!

Fireworks make you act like a 10-year-old boy

You teach the kids silly things

You make sure the cars are safe to drive

You kill ALL the spiders

You love Christmas

You are a practical joker

It’s easy to get you fired up

You like rollercoasters

You open doors for me

You take vitamins to make me happy

You always pump the gas so I don’t have to

I love the way you love me

I love to dance with you

You’ve make every one of my birthdays special

I love the way you kiss me

You are my sunshine…My only sunshine…

So there you have it 101 reasons I love my man!!  Lord knows I have a million more!

The last one is special to us:  I used to sing the  “You are my sunshine” song to him when we were dating to try to get on his nerves.  We actually have a swimming pool company called “Sunshine Pools” because of it.  Maybe I should have Sunshine Embroidery???  LOL

Thanks for taking a peek into our little world.  We are thankful for everyday.  It’s the little things that make it all worth it!


Valentine’s Day Hair Goodies and Chocolate Dipping

by Holly

Valentine’s Day is going to be here before we know it.  I am throwing 4 different Valentine parties, and thought I better get my inner Cupid out!!

My Dollar store flowers turned cute little hair goodies for Ella Rose


Tulle Hearts  all done in the hoop for Lexi Monet


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Pink marshmallows!  I had to Chocolate dip them.  So easy, and the kids love them!

OK, so I made a few…  Hundred.  What?  Everyone needed one.  :)

Carmel Chocolate Apples for the Adults.  I find carmel a little challenging.  It always gets the best of me.  But, I press on, and get them done.  It’s for the greater good.  :)

The Chocolate I use for dipping I get at a cake supply store (Pila’s Pantry in Norco, Ca)  It is smoother than the Wilton brand, and they have so many colors available.  I am not sure if they mail order, but I am sure you could talk them into it.  Really nice family owned shop.  Great customer service.  :)

Cupcake Wars Birthday Party with Cootie Catchers and Cupcake Game

by Holly

I must admit, I am a little obsessed with cupcakes.   Not so much eating them, just that they are so adorable!

Lexi’s last birthday party was a Cupcake Wars theme.  The girls LOVED it!!

Come take a look-see:

The girls arrived, and we paired them up into teams of 2.  Each team had to pick a liner, a cake, a frosting, and could decorate however the wanted to.  I also bought flavoring for the frosting, so they could make it bubble gum, watermelon, or cotton candy.  They had food coloring for the frosting and cake if they wanted to change the colors along with some royal icing flowers and hearts I made a few days before, which are like eating candy dots.  Ya can’t eat just one.

Each team had a turn in the kitchen with the mixer

They frosted

and Decorated

The made Charm Bracelets out of Shrinky Dinks.  I bought blank Shrinky Dink paper at Michaels, and printed about 6 different cupcake outlines.  Once they were done coloring and cutting out, I punched a hole with a hole puncher in the top of each one.  Baked, and made them into bracelets.  Cute little cupcake keepsake.

They also played with Cootie Catchers!!  I made these in Adobe Photoshop.  You can download my template for free and personalize them for your party or print a Birthday one.  I loved these when I was a little girl, and still do.  Aren’t they fun!  Click here:



As for the table-cloth,  I was happy to find this cupcake fabric at JoAnn’s.  I just finished the edges.  Easy Peasy.

Yes.  I blinged the plates and cups.  They loved it!!  I also took jewelry wire and wrapped letter beads around their silverware and each girl got to take her set home with her.

I also bought Cupcake stands from orientaltrading.com  to display their creations. They were great, just a little on the flimsy side.  Not complaining for the price, just sayin, they aren’t Waterford.

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Yes, Jack crashed the Girly Party!!

They are girly girls, so of course, they got silly silly!

Make a wish Lexi Monet!!  You’re 9!!

Wouldnt’ you know it, I didn’t get a pic of all the finished cupcakes.  Some of them were really cute.  They all displayed the best ones in the cupcake stands, and all won prizes for prettiest, funniest, cutest, most loveable, and a few other fun titles.  Then I packaged them all up in some clear cupcake containers I bought from the bakery. They each got an assortment to take home of everyone’s creations.

After all the cupcake fun, they went for a dip in the jacuzzi

Had make-overs

Told some ghost stories

Stayed up half the night giggling.

In the morning, they all went on a treasure hunt to find goodie bags.

It was a really fun doing a cupcake party.  We have such great memories of it, it inspired me to designed the Bake a Cupcake game for her.  Out of everything I’ve ever sewn for her, this is her very favorite thing.  Take a look-see:


Free Wish for the Birthday Girl!!

Hope you enjoyed Lexi’s 9th birthday as much as we did. It’s a theme with endless ideas.

Cutie Candles and Baby Changing Station

by Holly

Cutie Candles

How fun are these! All you need is a Cutie and some Olive Oil!

Cut a Cutie, a.k.a. Clementine Orange, around the middle, peel in half, cut a cute shape out of the top,  (hearts would be so cute for Valentine’s Day) use the pulp stem in the bottom half as a wick, fill with olive oil, light the pulp, and enjoy your little Cutie candle.  Will burn for hours.  Do not leave unattended, and always be careful playing with fire.

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Diaper Changing Station done in the hoop

Perfect little gift for Baby!  Diaper and Wipe Carrier done in one hooping!


Baby New Year!

by Holly

Wishing you a Happy New Year!!

Thank you for all the love and warm fuzzies in 2011.  I hope your 2012 is simply wonderful! 

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This is a picture of our son Jack in 2007.  I have always loved Baby New Year.  I had to do it! :)

Reindeer Feed with Fingerprint Reindeer

by Holly

Reindeer Feed is a yearly tradition in our house.  Every year we make big batches of it, and pass it out to all the kids.  On Christmas Eve, right before bedtime, we sprinkle it all over the yard, and a few neighbors.   (Wouldn’t want Santa to miss anyone on our street!)  The kids love running a muck in their pajama’s, as it is the last ditch effort to make sure Santa comes.

You can download this printable card on my yahoo group for free, under Christmas Fun.  (You will need to add Reindeer)


We added our kids fingerprints ( I did the kids thumbprints) with a brown stamp pad, the antlers with a marker, and the noses with red paint.  I use the other end of the paint brush, dip it in the paint, and it makes a perfect dot each time.  :)

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Recipe for Reindeer Feed: Oatmeal and Glitter.  Reindeer love it!!

I painted Lexi’s nails to go with her outfit I made for her Christmas party.  Easy Peasy.  Just paint red, and add green glitter nail polish to the ends.  Christmas French Manicure in minutes!! = Ten happy little fingers!

Love Love Love these Cotton Candy Snowmen tubs!!

Elf on the Shelf Ideas

by Holly

Mrs. MeMarkle has been really popular around here!  The kids are loving our Elf on the Shelf having a wife this year!!

She bakes mini Elf Donuts

She Brought a Letter from Santa with Magic Christmas Seeds!  You can download your own on my yahoo group for FREE!!


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I used Candy Christmas Sprinkles in the Bags.  You can download these printables on my yahoo group for free

Font is Blackadder on the letter

Elf Tea Party

Our Elf is Flying!! He used Fishing line to hang.   Once the fan is on, he really gets going!!!

So Sleepy from all the shenanigans

A Magic Key!

He found some of our sand from the beach this summer.  He’s a Mermaid Elf! Try saying “MeMarkle the Merry Merman” 3 times quickly!  We have been trying, and laughing ourselves silly.

This is where he is today:

These little Santa’s Mrs. Memarkle is with today were made by my Grandmother.  She passed away when I was only 9 years old.  She made them by hand, and I can’t tell you how much they mean to me. My Mother used to hang them over our fireplace when I was little, and now they hang in my house each year.  On each belt, she has our names.  On for my Mom, my Dad, my sister, brother, and one for me.  Each one has hand painted eyes to match our color.  It wouldn’t be Christmas without them.  Funny how little things like this are so priceless.

Hand Painted Wine Bottles

by Holly

I spent the afternoon painting with the kids yesterday.  I painted a case of wine, they painted all kinds of things! Rocks, plates, paper, even each other!!  :)  I really love to paint, and so do the kids.  We should do it more often. Lots of laughs, singing, and good conversation.

I’m giving these away for Christmas to Friends and Family.  They go with my Game boxes.

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I actually can’t wait to drink one, wash it out, and stuff it with a string of lights.  Might be pretty.  :)

These Bottles are from Trader Joe’s.  Charles Shaw Merlot.  $2 each bottle.  Case for $24.  = 12 happy people.  I love these not only because of the price, but because the labels come off so easy.  Just soak in cold water for a few minutes, and Voila!  A fresh canvas! Once I finish painting them with acrylic paint, I spray then with clear acrylic spray. (Hence them out drying on my BBQ)

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