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Hand Painted Wine Bottles

by Holly

I spent the afternoon painting with the kids yesterday.  I painted a case of wine, they painted all kinds of things! Rocks, plates, paper, even each other!!  :)  I really love to paint, and so do the kids.  We should do it more often. Lots of laughs, singing, and good conversation.

I’m giving these away for Christmas to Friends and Family.  They go with my Game boxes.

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I actually can’t wait to drink one, wash it out, and stuff it with a string of lights.  Might be pretty.  :)

These Bottles are from Trader Joe’s.  Charles Shaw Merlot.  $2 each bottle.  Case for $24.  = 12 happy people.  I love these not only because of the price, but because the labels come off so easy.  Just soak in cold water for a few minutes, and Voila!  A fresh canvas! Once I finish painting them with acrylic paint, I spray then with clear acrylic spray. (Hence them out drying on my BBQ)

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