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Category Archives: Kids Fun

Flower Press Tutorial- May Day -Bunco

by Holly

We had so much fun planting flowers in our garden last month, and decided we should have some fun with them.  We made flower presses, and had a May Day Bunco Party!!

Here is how I did it:

For the flower press, we used 2 pieces of press board, (Home Depot)  My husband drilled 4 holes in them,  (make sure to drill through 2 pieces at the same time so the hole line up and mark the front and back corner of one side so you always know how to line it up later)  Add some nuts, bolts, and washers.  I had him cut 2 big sheets so each of my Girl Scouts could take home their own flower press to keep.  They cost about $2.50 each when finished.  :)  I also have a big one, with about 16 bolts in it my Dad made for me years ago.  Love it.  I have used it so many times.  Thanks again Dad for always helping me with all my projects.  (I have him working on another project right now)  :)

Adding Flowers:

Open the press, and lay a piece of white typing paper in the press over the bolts. add flowers.  Be sure to lay them face down as flat as possible:

Put a 2nd sheet of white paper on top of that.  Put the top of the flower press back on, and tighten down all the bolts.

Tighten them again every few days.  Wait about a month, and open your press.  Beautiful dried flowers!!

To laminate, I used laminator pockets from Wal-Mart, and a laminating machine, (also bought at Wal-Mart) and added all of my flowers and numbers (cut out on my Gazelle) and ran it through once.

Cut out and your done!

For the Bunco party, I hand painted flowers on each score sheets.  I did these in about 30 minutes, so excuse my not so perfect flowers:

I think this one was my favorite:

My Mom did the cutest little May Pole with mini Wine bottles for favors:

This May Pole was done with a styrofoam ball on a stick stuck in a bucket filled with cement.  Hot Glue, Hot Glue, Hot Glue!!

I made quick little cupcakes and added edible glitter for some sparkle.  Cute cups from Michael’s.

Here is the prize table/ Dessert Table:

Here is the dining table, love love love the twinkle lights and candles.  It was so cute:

Hope you as inspired to press some flowers in your garden.  I have been pressing flowers for years, and have made all kinds of fun things, and saved flowers from important events in my life.  Love all my little keepsakes.   My Girl Scouts made really cute book markers out of theirs.  Wish I had pics to show you.


Geocaching Kit for Girl Scouts

by Holly

I designed this kit for my Girl Scout troop, who are earning their Geocaching badge, and thought I would share.  It’s great family fun, and the best part, it’s free!

For those of you that don’t know what it is, it’s a worldwide treasure hunt with about 2 million of them hidden. You find them with a GPS.  When you find it, you sign the log book, and some of them have Swag, (treasures) you can trade with.  You probably have them right around the corner from where you are right now.  Go to Geocaching.com to see what is around you.  You can download a free ap on your phone too.  I bought the $9.99 version for my iPhone, and it’s worth every penny.   We go Geocaching all the time.  It’s so fun!!

I took my Girl scouts on a Geocaching bike ride, we feed ducks, played in a park, and hunted for Cache. It was so much fun!!  You must try it!

They found the 1st one!!  Yay!!

Here are my Girl Scouts Looking for Cache at the duck pond:

This little box is a First Aid box found at Wal-Mart for $1.00.  Which we used what was inside on our First Aid Badge. (Will post that one later)

A little Log Book.  Just Print the cover on Card Stock, and print a few more pages on regular paper, staple in the middle and fold.  Easy Peasy!  Love my little pink pencil to go with.  {{Squeal}} The back says “God Bless You”

The inside lid has the Girl Scout Law glued in so you can see it when you open it.  Then our Swag.  Love to find swag!!  Swag is treasure you find/ exchange while out Geocaching.  We got out our bling, and Mod Podge, and had ourselves a little Swag party!!  For the clear rocks, with the pics under them, I printed things on picture paper, and then Mod Podged to the bottoms.  For the Hello, and Bless You, I just wrote on scrapbook paper with a pen, and MP it with a thin coat.  The Hearts are actually fabric scraps, MP on.  The little flowers were cut with a tiny hole punch, and some bling was added.  Now we have a whole box of swag to trade!!

Here is the SWAG necklace Lexi wears when we hunt.  She keeps pieces of swag to trade and a pen inside.  She has it on a long necklace so she can wear it.  It is the perfect swag necklace.  Hands are free to hunt for Geocache and she has the things she needs handy.

It’s done in the hoop, click on the pic to get to the link

Hope you are inspired to go Geocaching.  Trust me, you’ll love it!!

Here are some printables for you.  Open them in a Paint Program

Geocaching Set ItsaYummyLifecom


Teacher Appreciation Gifts

by Holly

We are so blessed to have great teachers.  To show appreciation, we made a few things for them this week.  A cup that says “Mrs. *** Rocks (I did with vinyl letters on my Gazelle), a Starbucks gift card inside, a Key chain with their name embroidered on them, Berries, Chicken Soup for the Teachers Soul, flowers, and my favorite part, a notebook paper bag.  I had the kids tell me all the things they love about their teachers, and I printed it on notebook paper, and turned it into a bag.  Jack cracked me up, he added “Donut Sharing”  He thought that was important to thank her for them.  Love it!

Here is how I did it:

Here si Jack’s Bag after I ironed it:

and some berries.  Have I mentioned my love of bakers twine??  It’s so fun.  :)

I hope all of you teachers out there are having a great week.  Thank you for all you do!

Summer Gift Idea: Personalized Towel and Sand Bucket

by Holly

Summer is right around the corner!  How I love summer birthdays.  (Jack, Ella, and I are all in June a week a part from each other, so for 3 weeks, its birthday season!!)   One of my favorite gifts to give is a beach towel with a name embroidered on it, and a Blinged out sand bucket!! I use a low temperature glue gun to hot glue Ice Cream gift cards on the shovel, and a sharpie to write our birthday message on the bucket. I hot glued the stones on too!  Fill Bucket with sand toys, sunglasses, and a new bathing suit.  The birthday boy or girl will be all set for a fun day at the beach!

Here are a few towels I’ve done.  So easy to sew out, and it’s something they love to use!!


Easter Bunny Freebie and International Fair- Spain

by Holly

New little in the Hoop Freebie for you!!

Little Bunny Foo Foo!  You can download him for Free on my Facebook page for a limited time:

As you some of you know, I am a Girl Scout leader.  I am soooo proud of my girls!!  We just had our International Fair, (which is a HUGE GS event, 40 troops and about 600 people) Our troop took 1st place in the performance competition!!!  The excitement level of my girls was off the charts!!!  They rocked it!!  Lexi is 2nd from the end, standing next to Megan, far right, who has sold over 1200 boxes of cookies this season!! These girls have worked so hard, all selling 300+ boxes each.  Woo Hoo!!  Catalina Island here we come!!!   3 days of snorkeling, kayaking, shopping, and soaking up the sun. Can’t wait!

We represented the country of Spain this year.  In our booth girls visiting our country could come make a flower hair clip with a big rhinestone in the middle, (see the one in Michelle’s hair?)  For food we served Sangerias,(virgin ones) and Churros.  (Official yummies of Spain)  Thank you to Lesley for making ALL those yummy Churros!!  Our little swaps were red mini fans, with bling!

We had a game to win a trip to the treasure box.  See Columbus’ ship in there?

 Each booth has to have a decorated trash can, Ours was a Bull:

For our booth, we made a Spanish Castle, as the Queen of Spain helps Columbus in his discovery of America, sooo, we went Royal!  We made it from a 10 x 10 easy up.  We cut out cardboard, painted them gray, sponged on white to add accents, and attached with zip ties.  Oh, and hot glue.  Lots of hot glue!!

We cut out stone shapes from cardboard, painted them, and hot glued them on. Big thanks to Michelle and Diana.  You guys have some nice mansonry skills.  :)  The sides of the castle were made from the tri-fold display boards, which worked out perfect.  They wrapped around the easy-up poles.  Roses hot glued on too.  What would I do without my hot glue gun!!  I think I own 7 of them.  Love!

Some of the other booths there were so cute, here are a few of my favorites.  The country of France had the cutest trash can.  Just look at this poodle!!   I wanted to steal him!!

The country of Greece made a trash can out of recycled cookie case boxes.  This Trojan horse was Genius!! Love love love the creativity!

After all the festivities over the last few weeks: Lexi’s Birthday, Jack’s Blue and Gold Cub Scout dinner, International fair, and a ton of other things, I finally snuck out with hubby for some Mommy-Daddy time.  I don’t know what I would do without this amazing man who puts up with all my projects! (He even did a cookie booth with Lexi while I was sick with the flu.)


Our little home-made Library

by Holly

This little project has been fun.  It all started with Lexi and I making bookmarks with charms for all the readers in the family.  Then we decided we needed to give books with them.  Then we thought about how all the girls in the family are always borrowing books from each other, and then one day… The Library was born.

The kids have has so much fun with this, and I did it with things around the house.

I covered a paper box with wrapping paper for our “Library” and printed a sign for the front of the box on colored cardstock.  We cut strips of cardstock and the kids glued cupcakes they made with a craft punch on them.  I found a date stamper in the desk drawer. (Perfect!  We needed that!)   I made library cards, library book slips and envelopes that we glued into each book.  Scroll down to download my slips, cards and envelope template.  I also made little pockets for the inside of the box to hold library cards and book markers.  The little yellow flower I cut out with a flower punch after I printed their Library name on it.  Last but not least, we added a bucket of pens so everyone can sign their new library cards.

Ah, customers!!  Each client is issued a Library card, which they have to fill out and sign.  They pick out a book, the slip gets filled out and stamped, and they are told a due date.  Lexi, being the little entrepeneur that she is, has strict late fees.  $.25 a day!!  So get to reading those books!!  Jack happily gives each person a book marker, and thanks them for visiting their library.

You can download my Library Card and Book Slips here:

Library Cards    Book slips

Here is the Pocket:

This little traveling library has been great!  I hope you have fun making one of your own.

Happy Reading!!

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